
Who We Are
Allow us to introduce ourselves. Wild Kajaera is a company within Second Life that strives to enrich your online, inworld experience by developing incredible breedable animals. Our name is derived from our founders Kay Rembrandt, Jaed Cartier, and Random Nirvana (Ka = Kay, Jae = Jaed, Ra = Random). Formed mid 2012, we erupted on the Second Life breedable scene with our first jaguar. To date, we have expanded our market to include a wide array of Big Cats, Wild Dogs Little Varmints and Wild Mustangs.

Through our growth, we also established an amazing breedable community. This is brought to you by the wonderful people who make up our Support Team, Management Team, and Development Team. But, the great lineup doesn’t stop there. We’re also consist of a wonderful community of breeders, auction house owners, auctioneers, and market CSR’s.

Our first Jaguar started its journey from our paid beta in early January 2013 to its full release on January 28th 2013. Since then we have exploded on the scene with an array of amazing Big Cats including Jaguars, Cougars, Tigers, Cheetahs, Lions, Leopards, and Lynx.  We then added Wild Dogs including Gray Wolf, Timbers Wolf, Dire Wolf and Foxes. Little Varmints include the Ferrets and the Hares. Wild Mustangs currently are horses and Zebras.

The animals all enjoy a huge selection of interactive toys, landscaping and furniture options for them to play with, to enjoy.

Our Animals are not only energetic and adorable, but we’ve developed their artificial intelligence that is so advanced, you’d swear they’re alive. Just watching them romp and play is bound to entertain you for hours. Whether you watch them mock battle each other or run after and pounce their favorite toy, we’re sure you’ll be addicted to them like so many other people in Second Life have already.

To top this off we also have an array of special species and breeds: Hybrids, Collector’s Editions, Limited Editions, and Sanctuary animals.

What are you waiting for? A whole new world of fun entertainment awaits you. Join our amazing Wild Kajaera Community.

Yours Truly,

~ Wild Kajaera

18 thoughts on “About

  1. I would like to find out some information about having a exotic cat as a pet- I am not looking at being a breeder at this time. I just want a cat as a pet – a companion. I want to make sure i understand everything before i commit to having a pet. Just want to do it right so that the cat and myself can have the best relationship possible. Please let me know if you can help me with this information OR what i should do to educate myself on having an exotic cat as a pet.

    Thank you
    Trinity Vanelli

    • These cats are able to stay on pet food and do not breed unless you wish them to. They are very interactive and can go with you anywhere in SL though the walk feature they have. They love there toys so you can customize the play environment for them, with everything from trees to wagons to water floats even stuffed typed toys. You’re welcome to contact me in Second Life and will be happy to help you more.


  2. We have a cat that was in my wifes inventory. We have done the update it is a jaguar, but has not eaten. It is 1 day old and down to 50% and dropping any suggestions?

    • Make sure the stat your reading is hunger it sounds more like energy. You can check the Manual for a key of what the stats are. Also we have a in world support group with 24 hour Customer Service People that will be happy to check the animal and the set up for you to make sure you have what you need.

    • Best I can suggest is next time your in world bring up the group chat and ask for a CSR to IM you. We have 24 hour support to be able to answer your ?s and get you started on the right track.

  3. Can someone advise me why my cats keep being ousted from my classifieds?
    Is there something I am doing incorrectly?

  4. I’m not sure if this is a WK issue or an SL issue so I HAVE opened an SL ticket
    ღтαмιℓღ (tamil123) I bought Item 1064270 from her & could not pick it up price was 400L The item is still on shining Island @ breeders choice last I looked

  5. My friend and I have the firestorm cheetahs and love them. They live on my parcel but unfortunately my friend isn’t inworld often. Can his cheetah and toy ball be set to heed me?

  6. i love the look of your sactuary timber wolf or winter wolf and would like to start breeding wolves and need suggestions on where to begin and what to buy and look for. thanks for the help

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