Battle Hud Directions

Wear the hud – you many edit the hud position to sit where you like it was designed to sit in the lower left hand corner.

You may also Scale it larger (Scale up) or smaller (scale down)
The WK RP Hud can be detached with the X at the top or hidden with the – a

The WK RP HUD has 2 purposes/functions:
1- Train the animals so that they reach COMBAT level (L3-4)
2- Use the trained animals as a weapon during a combat or attack!
(Along with your regular combat weapon like sword/daggers/bow&arrow etc)

Main buttons on the hud are:

  • Animal boxes
  • Command buttons
  • Arena and Combat buttons (at the top)
  • Boosters (at very bottom)
A visual overview

Always moog your animal at the combat ground to start with 100% energy.
TO LOAD YOUR ANIMALS ——— (Wild Dogs must be 2 days or older.)
Click on an animal space.

The gem next to Animal 1 or any number there after. (A Drop Down Window will appear in the upper right)
Enter the name of the animal you want to be in that position.


1. Submitting the name of an animal - Animal 1

1. Submitting the name of an animal – Animal 1

That gem will be highlighted a different color, showing you it holds an animal in the pool (pool meaning animal area)

2. animal selected box 1

2. animal selected box 1

Do this for as many animals as you wish to load.

Up to 5 of course.








Select the animal spot for the animal you want to command. (another drop down menu) choose ‘Select’. This animal will then be the active animal until you choose unselected.

3. Select the animal for combat or Arena

3. Select the animal for combat or Arena


4. Animal 1 becomes reddish-brown

4. Animal 1 becomes reddish-brown

7. Animal1 button red - dog red ready for combat

7. Animal1 button red – dog red ready for combat

When you need to track or attack, another drop down window will appear with names of avatars nearby, for you to choose who to track or attack and will continue until you tell them down.

attack menu

if you  choose  ‘other’  you can  type in  an avatar name or training tool or another wolf.


At the bottom you will see ~ Boosters~ below that is DB this is Defense Booster
HB Health booster or EB Energy booster. each set of the initials is a booster. You buy the boosters from a battle vendor and then Touch the Reload button and they will change to a light color to let you know you can use one.
Touch the DB or HB or ED and it gives a drop menu, this menu contains the wolves you have in combat. Choose one and it will receive the boost.

1. Using Energy Booster

1. Using Energy Booster

2. Using Energy Booster

2. Using Energy Booster

3. Using Energy Booster

3. Using Energy Booster

Training CLASSES:

All WK Classes are free to attend. Landmark for the class will be sent out about 30 minutes before class in the WK Support Group.

1 pm on Saturdays – Wolf & Fox RP Battle HUD Training
Instructor – KopiLuwak Diesel

1 on 1 instruction is also available – IM KopiLuwak Diesel