Mustang Training Class Notes

Welcome to WK Wild Kajaera: Walk Training

At least a 30×30 Area to train in – the more room you have the easier it is. I would NOT recommend training near a sim edge border as if the mustang walks off it can cause it to be returned and a mustang training session lost

Basic Information:
❖ Mustangs MUST be Age 3 for Training
❖ Mustangs must have a Confidence of 6 to begin WALK Training they will gain a * over their head. This is an asterisk!
❖ You CAN use the hud, however, for this class we are going to use local chat commands – using the hud or chat commands is up to you!

Training Your Mustang to Ride only affects it’s ability to be Ridden.
It does not make it have better babies, more babies, twins, or affect the # of Traits or what your mustang will pass.
You can train your mustang when they are pregnant

First Basic Commands for Local Chat

LEFT <—- The Mustang Moves to the Left in a Circle RIGHT —-> The Mustang Moves to the Right in a Circle
HOE —–= Stops movement and brings mustang to the avatar

Usually mustangs move in circles but sometimes it could be described loosely as an arc. The movements always begin with the walk
animation. The circle radius is the avatar position and a circle around it.

The Horse needs to be in movement to increase the skill train value (each 5 minutes is 0.5)
If the horse has enough skill to ride it (Skill Level 1) when you click stats, another way to train it is to turn the training on and ride the mustang around until training is completed.

Riding a Horse can only use the movements of the skill it has
▸ SKILL 1 : Walk
▸ SKILL 2: Walk / TROT
▸ SKILL 5: Fully Trained

You can tell the training completion of a mustang also by looking at ★ On Top of it’s Head. Do not confuse this with the * sign. They are different.

  • Means it can begin walk training One ★ Means Skill Level 1, ★★ Means Skill Level 2. ★★★ Skill Level 3.

To change the style (and speed) of the movement while NOT using the hud you can use the Page Forward Key on the keyboard
You may of course, get the HUD @ The WK Mustang Barn, however it’s not required. 􀀀

Sometimes we do have Fairs & Events and we do occasionally have a “Fully Trained” section of the Mustangs. Good reason to train your pretty mustangs!