WK Animesh Manual

Your animesh animals are live when you rezz the Male or Female object to the ground. It will take a few moments for the object to contact the servers and pull down the animals details. If you are unfamiliar with how to rez an item, all you have to do is drag your object from your inventory to your land.

  • For animesh animals in crates, you need to right click on the crate, select “Open”, then copy the objects to your inventory. Find the folder containing your animesh animals, then drag and drop it onto your land.
  • For animesh animals in sacks, left click on the sack, and select “Birth” from the menu that pops up.


These are the symbols you will see in the hover text over the animesh animals you have birthed from their sacks. By default they will be eating Pet Food you can set them to Breed Food and Happy Food.

Your animals Hover text by default is white. If it turns yellow it means your animal is hungry. If it turns red this means they are sick from hunger. If it is blue it means they have had all their litters. There are other colors for you to play with in options but these 3 Yellow, Red, Blue will over write what ever color is set for your animal in good health.

Major stat levels are indicated with a range of numbers from 1 – 100. The one exception to this is the Hunger stat, it may go as highs as 161 but more on that below.

Hover text Symbols

♂ Male
♀ Female
Ω Age
☪ Moxie
♨ Hunger (the need for food)
⚡ Sleep
☺ Happy (the need for Happy Treat)
♤ Heat
♋ Pregnancy

Ω Age – The cumulative amount of days your animesh animals has been alive since the time it was birthed from its sack or crate.

☪ Moxie – Moxie is our term for knowing if your animal is rezzed in Second Life. This is a way for us to know if our servers are able to maintain good communication with your animesh animals. Moxie will accumulate each full day your animesh animal is rezzed inworld. When you are breeding your animesh animals, Moxie needs to be at 60 points or greater. Breeding will stall if Moxie drops below 60 points and will resume again once it has 60 points or more.

♨ Hunger – You should try to keep this stat at 0, all the time. Your animesh animals will eat twice a day. It will start to go hungry increasing this stat by 10 points for every meal missed. This will change the hover text over your animesh animal from white to yellow, giving you a visual clue that you need to check its food supply. If your animesh animal is breeding, all breeding will stall until food is obtained and your animal eats enough portions to bring this stat back down to 0. Should your animesh animals Hunger stat reach 100, it will become sick. This is indicated by the hover text above your animal turning from yellow to red. Once the animal is in the red, it won’t eat without extra help. To encourage it to eat again you will need a WKJar-of-Wellness-WKA. You have until the Hunger stat reaches 160 to restore your animal to better health. If your animal’s Hunger reaches 161, it will die. At this point, you won’t be able to get it back.

⚡ Sleep – This stat is simply a timer for when your animal needs to sleep. It serves as a visual for you to understand the animal better. Animals sleep in various positions depending on their species. Sleep has no effect on your animals breeding. This is a way for us to emulate a real animals natural behavior. When animals are younger, it will be able to stay awake and remain more active than when it’s older. We’re sure that everyone can appreciate the need for a nap from time to time.

☺ Happy – This stat indicates how Happy your animesh animal is. It will only become available when you turn breeding on.

♤ Heat – Heat indicates the increasing drive for a animesh animals to mate with its partner. The stat will only become available when breeding is turned on.

♋ Pregnancy – Once a female animesh animal has reached 100 Heat, it has the ability to have babies. When your animesh animals is coupled to its partner and both are at 100 Heat 100 Happy, the female will become Pregnant. As long as your animal has a Moxie value of at least 60, and your animal hasn’t missed a meal, her Pregnancy will increase. When your mare reaches a Pregnancy of 100, the mated pair will give birth to their calves. Babies could range from a single birth to a very VERY rare set of twins.


FOOD ~ [Animesh Animals Eat Twice A Day]

Your WKPet Food-WKA is distributed to your animesh animals by what we call server side feeding. This process makes feeding your animals automatic and independent from Second Life. The food portions are housed on our server and can be found in your Wild Kajaera Inventory on the WK Portal Page. You can access your WK Inventory by logging onto your portal page, then clicking the “Items” button. By housing WK Pet Food on our servers it provides a true indicator for the amount of food portions you have, independent of Second Life lag, restarts, or any other SL specific issue. We advise you to check your portions often from the WK Portal Page.

Pet Food – is the default food your animal will be looking for.

Breeding Food – WKBreeding Food-WKA

Breeding Food is what your animal will eat once you decide to turn breeding on. After starting your animesh animals on breeding food, and it has a Happy level of at least 50, you will see Heat start to rise. Moxie will factor into this as well. Your animal has to have Moxie of 60 (or greater) for pregnancy to occur.

Animals get Sick When-

Should you run out of Food Breeding or Pet the hover text will turn yellow once an animal misses a meal. If it misses 10 meals, the hover text will turn red indicating that its sick. If this happens, you will need a WKJar-of-Wellness-WKA to encourage it to eat again. For each Breeding Food or Pet Food depending on which your animal has run out of and you have rezzed in world, on your land, you will receive a warning message once the portions start running low. This will remind you that you need to add more food. If you have a lot of animals this may be a lot of warnings as we try to feed each animal.

Happy Treat – Happy Food

Happy Food is what raises your animesh animals Happy level. WKHappy Food-WKA will feed all the animals you have breeding. Should you run out of Happy Food and your animal’s Happiness falls below 50 pregnancy will stall but will progress again once Happiness is restored. You will receive warning messages once you start to run low on Happy Food for all animals as well. Happy low will not cause your animals to become sick.



Day 0

Your WK babies are born with their eyes open. The newborn baby will have the strength to walk immediately like in real life. All animations are automatic in the baby moving or stationary.

Motion –

Your baby will be able to move around on your land when you turn motion to on.

The range set / radius will appear in a red beam particle effect and in seconds will wear off…

From the menu Motion > Range (set distance)

To turn motion on, click on your animal, then select Motion > Motion On

Food –

Your baby, by default, is set to WKPet Food-WKA, and is the only food your newborn baby will need.

If you intend to breed your animesh animal, you will need to turn breeding on you can do this at age 0.

Click your animesh animal to bring up the menu, then select Breed > Breed. Make sure you have Breeding Food and Happy Food available, or it will go hungry after missing its first meal.

If you ever want to stop breeding, simply click your animesh animal again to bring up the Menu. Then, select Breed > Pet. This will switch them back to basic Pet Food, and it will no longer be eating Breeding Food or Happy Food.

Day 8

Your animesh animal is fully grown on day 8. Sit back and enjoy the benefits of your wonderful animals!
